9:07 AM, In the office...
I hate it when life playing tricks with me. The moment I want to change my life for the better, there must something coming out of my way. Okay, it's not always happening but still get on my nerves everytime.
For example, today. Today is Friday, a last day of the weekend. A day where my motivation strangely soaring. I wake up in the morning and getting ready to go to work, hoping that today will be a bless and peaceful day.
Oh ya, this week I was determined that I will go to work by 8.30 AM so I can came home early at 5.30 PM. Actually I want to clock in at 8 but I never make it because even 8.30 AM was so hard, I barely make it though. It just me against the time. This week everything went so quick that I was so hasty and hurried for everything. I basically need to rush to get ready, to take breakfast, to fueling petrol, to lunch, to dinner, and also when going to sleep (ya need to sleep early to wake up early). My mom also got dragged for my time-changing because she also need dashing to prepare breakfast. Now my sister also didn't bring lunchbox to office anymore since my mom cannot make it to prepare them. Yeah basically everyone was affected because of my determination to change. Somehow make me guilty. I'm working so hard for what?
Okay back to the story, I coming out from house quiet early around 7.20 AM. Since it's friday, I didn't expect for heavy traffic because supposedly friday was a calm day in the morning (different story when coming home). Road are clear and not very busy like usual. And then, when I want to start my car suddenly engine cannot start. I swear, it always happen when I come out early!!
After many attempts, tadaaa it can be started. But only after I wasted about 10 minutes. Now time is not gold anymore, it's freaking platinum card. Cannot be wasted even 1 second. Okay, that's first. Second, the road that supposed to be calm and clear on Friday, suddenly got heavy traffic. I was like— I'm so furious. I mean whyyy? Previous fridays not like this? That's why I said life playing tricks with me.
And I didn't manage to arrive office at 8.30 AM and late like 10-15 minutes which kinda upsetting for me. I hate it. It just me against the world.
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